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조회 38 추천 0 댓글 0

// This file contains an example that illustrates the use of strings in

// Checked C.  The example is adapted from "The C Programming Language,

// Second Edition", by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, p. 69.

// It reads a series of lines and check whether a string occurs in a line.

// If it does, it prints the line.


// To compile the file using the Checked C version of clang, on Unix/Mac use

//  clang -o find-pattern find-pattern.c

// On Windows use:

//  clang -o find-pattern.exe find-pattern.c


// To run it, create a file with some lines of text in it that contain a

// pattern you wish to match.  Then run:

//    find-pattern {your pattern} < {your file name}

// where you use your pattern and file name in replace of {your pattern}

// and {your file name}.


// This file illustrates two important points about using strings in Checked C.

// - Sometimes you need to allocate a fixed size buffer that will be treated

//   as both a null-terminated string and a regular array.  The buffer should

//   be given a null-terminated array type, not a regular array type.

// - You will need to either allocate an extra character, or avoid writes to the

//   last character in the buffer.

// - Take care when using array subscripting on strings.  It is easy to accidentally

//   march beyond the end of the declared bounds.

#include <stdchecked.h>

#include <stdio_checked.h>

// In the original code, this is 1000.  Make this 50 so we can easily test

// exceeding the maximum number of characters allowed in a line.

#define MAXLINE 50


int getline(char line checked[] : count(max), int max);

int strindex(char source nt_checked[], char searchfor nt_checked[]);

void print_string(char str nt_checked[]);

int main(int argc, nt_array_ptr<char> argv checked[] : count(argc)) {

  if (argc < 2) {

    // Th original code used printf.  Calls to variable argument functions

    // aren't allowed in checked scopes, so use separate statements.

    print_string("Usage: ");


    print_string(" pattern\n");

    return -1;


  nt_array_ptr<char> pattern = argv[1];

  // Line is treated is both a null-terminated array and a regular array. 

  // We don't allow array_ptrs to be converted to nt_array_ptrs, but we allow

  // the reverse. For this reason, we make this a null-terminated array.  Add

  // an extra byte so that we have a place for the null terminator and retain

  // the original size (the count of  accessible elements is one less than the

  // dimension of the array).

  char line nt_checked[MAXLINE + 1] = {};

  int found = 0;

  while (getline(line, MAXLINE) > 0)

    if (strindex(line, pattern) >= 0) {

      // Avoid using printf again;




  return 0;


// Get line into s, return length.

int getline(char s checked[] : count(lim), int lim) {

  int c, i;

  // The original code modifies lim, which we are using as the

  // bounds.  Introduce a new variable for counting the available

  // space.

  int available = lim;

  i = 0;

  while (--available > 0 && (c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n')

    s[i++] = c;

  if (c == '\n')

    s[i++] = c;

  // We could have made s a nt_checked array.  We'd have to check

  // here to make sure we aren't trying to write to the null terminator.

  s[i] = '\0';

  return i;


// Return index of t in s, -1 if none.

int strindex(char source nt_checked[] : count(0),

             char searchfor nt_checked[] : count(0)) {

  int i = 0, k = 0;

  nt_array_ptr<char> s : count(i) = source;

  nt_array_ptr<char> t : count(k) = searchfor;

  for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {

    // The original code was:

    //  for (j = i, k = 0; t[k] != '\0' && s[j] == t[k]; j++, k++)

    // The problem with this approach is that on the second iteration, j > i,

    // which will cause a runtime bounds failure for s[j].

    // We just introduce a temporary instead and remove s[j].

    nt_array_ptr<char> tmp_s = s + i;

    for (k = 0; t[k] != '\0' && *tmp_s == t[k]; tmp_s++, k++)


     if (k > 0 && t[k] == '\0')

       return i;


  return -1;


void print_string(char str nt_checked[]) {

  // Fputs has a bounds-safe interface and can be used in checked scopes.

  fputs(str, stdout);


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