디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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ㅇㅇ(39.115) 2024.10.07 23:45:24
조회 21 추천 1 댓글 0

Public education's shortcomings, especially in preparing students for competitive university admissions in major cities like Seoul, highlight a significant disparity between students who can access additional resources, such as private tutoring, and those who cannot. Many argue that, without supplementary education outside the public school system, it is nearly impossible to gain admission to top-tier universities in Korea. Several factors contribute to this inequity.

First, the structure of the college entrance system in Korea often prioritizes ranking students over fostering comprehensive learning. The system, particularly with its use of the 9-grade system for early admissions (수시), tends to raise the difficulty of exams to distinguish students by academic performance rather than encouraging broader or deeper learning. As a result, students without access to external academic support struggle to keep up with the complexity of the material.

In comparison to students who receive expert guidance and tutoring, those from disadvantaged backgrounds face additional challenges. These students may lack the knowledge, skills, and support systems necessary to navigate the highly competitive educational environment. In cases where parents are unable or unwilling to provide academic or emotional support, such students are left to struggle on their own, which further widens the achievement gap. This disparity is exacerbated by the fact that even the most diligent students may not know how to approach studying effectively without proper guidance.

Moreover, the burden placed on public school teachers often prevents them from offering the personalized assistance many students need. Teachers are typically overwhelmed by administrative tasks such as creating lesson materials, grading, conducting performance evaluations, and attending meetings. This leaves them little time to focus on individual students, particularly those who may be falling behind. In some cases, students seeking extra help have reported negative responses from their teachers, indicating a lack of capacity within the system to meet individual needs.

Another issue is the high reliance on performance evaluations that require skills students may not have been adequately taught in public school settings. For example, students are often tasked with writing essays, both in Korean and English or presenting arguments on complex topics, which are difficult to accomplish without additional private instruction. In such cases, students who lack private tutoring are at a clear disadvantage, resulting in lower performance and further discouragement.

Furthermore, the grading system in public schools, especially under the 9th-grade system, makes it difficult for many students to achieve top marks. If a certain percentage of students exceed the expected performance threshold, the exams are made even harder in subsequent rounds, ensuring that only a select few can maintain high rankings. This competitive design, rather than offering support to struggling students, serves to separate the high achievers from the rest, leaving many students behind without the means to catch up.

In addition to the limitations within schools, the quality of private tutoring centers (학원) can vary widely. Some centers focus more on maintaining their business than on improving student performance. Even students who attend prestigious tutoring centers might not always benefit from the education they receive. Often, instructors at these centers rely heavily on standardized materials, such as EBS lectures, without offering personalized strategies for success, raising questions about such programs' overall effectiveness.

This environment places significant pressure on students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In homes where parents are financially strained or emotionally unavailable, the stress and negativity often transfer to the children. These students, already struggling academically, are further burdened by family issues, which can lead to a cycle of frustration, poor academic performance, and eventually, a sense of learned helplessness.

The competitive nature of the education system, combined with the inequitable distribution of resources, creates a social dynamic in which students are often unwilling to help their peers for fear of creating more competition. This lack of collaboration is in direct contrast to what school records (학생부) emphasize, which is the importance of cooperation and strong interpersonal relationships. However, in reality, the pressure to succeed academically overrides the ideal of mutual support, leaving students isolated and stressed.

In conclusion, public education, in its current state, fails to provide equal opportunities for all students. Those without access to additional resources such as private tutoring are at a severe disadvantage, both academically and socially. The system is designed to perpetuate inequality by rewarding those who can afford extra help and leaving behind those who cannot. For students from lower-income backgrounds, this often results in not only poor academic outcomes but also long-term impacts on self-esteem, mental health, and future opportunities in higher education, employment, and personal relationships. The education system, as it stands, continues to reflect and reinforce socioeconomic disparities, making it difficult for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed.

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