디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

풀어모바일에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(223.62) 2024.09.22 21:41:52
조회 103 추천 0 댓글 0

In the ineffable interplay between temporality and metaphysical impermanence, Heidegger's exploration of Being-toward-death exposes the existential angst that underlies human consciousness. The ontological quest for authenticity, as elucidated in Being and Time, necessitates an engagement with Dasein's finitude, which unveils the primordial nothingness at the heart of existence. This encounter with the abyssal ground of being, however, is perpetually deferred by the ontic distractions of the they-self, which obfuscates the individual's potential for resolute self-determination. In contrast, Levinas critiques the totalizing tendencies of ontology, proposing instead an ethico-metaphysical responsibility toward the Other as the precondition for meaningful existence. The face of the Other interrupts the sovereignty of the ego, compelling a radical hospitality that transcends the hermeneutics of selfhood. As such, the interplay between ontological thrownness and ethical responsibility creates an aporia in the quest for existential meaning, leading to the conclusion that ________.

A) epistemic closure is achieved through the dialectical synthesis of self and Other
B) the radical alterity of the Other renders ontological certainty impossible.
C) Dasein's resoluteness toward death annihilates the ethical imperative of Levinasian responsibility
D) the primordial nothingness of Being offers a transcendent foundation for metaphysical truth
E) the ontic distractions of the they-self result in a reification of intersubjective dialogue

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