디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

형은 이제 전문직, 대학원 갤 잠깐씩 봐야지 여기 수준노무낮다

에피옵티무스(118.36) 2024.09.12 01:00:07
조회 199 추천 0 댓글 6




Advanced CMOS Circuit Design
Design a low-power operational amplifier (op-amp) using CMOS technology. Your design should minimize power consumption while maintaining a high gain and bandwidth. Discuss trade-offs in your design, such as between power, speed, and noise. Provide a detailed schematic, explain your design choices, and simulate the circuit to verify its performance under different process corners.

Quantum Effects in Nanoscale Transistors
As transistor dimensions continue to shrink, quantum mechanical effects become significant. Analyze the impact of quantum tunneling and subthreshold slope degradation on the performance of nanoscale transistors. Develop a model that includes these effects and compare it with classical models. Discuss how these quantum effects influence device scaling and suggest possible techniques to mitigate them.

RF Circuit Design: Mixer Design
Design a high-linearity, low-noise mixer for a 5G RF front-end operating at 28 GHz. Consider the requirements for gain, noise figure, and linearity (IP3). Explain the design process, including the choice of topology, and use simulation to optimize the performance parameters. Discuss how parasitic elements and substrate effects at high frequencies affect your design.

Digital Signal Processing: Adaptive Filtering
Develop an adaptive filtering algorithm using the least mean squares (LMS) method to remove noise from a signal received in a communication system. Derive the convergence conditions for the algorithm and analyze the impact of step size on the convergence speed and stability. Implement the algorithm in MATLAB or Python and compare its performance with other adaptive filtering techniques, such as the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm.

VLSI: Thermal Management in Integrated Circuits
As power densities increase in VLSI circuits, thermal management becomes a critical challenge. Analyze the heat dissipation mechanisms in a multi-core processor designed at the 5 nm technology node. Propose a thermal-aware floorplanning strategy to minimize hot spots and optimize the thermal profile across the chip. Use finite element analysis (FEA) tools to simulate the thermal distribution and validate your design.

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1971637 근데 진짜 대공공만 노리는 백수가 있음? [11] 취갤러(61.109) 24.09.20 1889 24
1971633 우리집만 그런가 적당한 학벌 전공 스펙 가지고 있으니까 [8] ㅇㅇ(118.219) 24.09.20 273 0
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1971619 재수안함 + 군휴학 빼고 휴학없음 + 졸업후 6개월 만에 취업 [1] 최충연갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.09.20 153 0
1971618 올해 재산세 나왔는데 ㅇㅇ(211.235) 24.09.20 127 1
1971617 대기업 다 좆까고 ㅇㅇ(61.82) 24.09.20 117 0
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1971607 취업 안되면 공무원이나 해라 취갤러(223.39) 24.09.20 149 0
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1971595 문과 가지말고 공대를 가세요 [1] 취갤러(121.179) 24.09.20 289 5
1971593 그냥노는 백수들 다스리는 법 ㅇㅇ(222.234) 24.09.20 180 8
1971592 퇴직금 하나만 보고 버텼는데 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.09.20 115 1
1971589 일행하다가 환경직으로 틀었다 취갤러(121.179) 24.09.20 210 1
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