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Why Korean public education sucks

ㅇㅇ(39.115) 2024.09.05 00:01:32
조회 89 추천 0 댓글 0

It’s often assumed that poor academic performance spells doom for the future, but I disagree. While competition in adulthood is undoubtedly more intense than during teenage years, today it seems private education has almost become a necessity to achieve good grades in high school.

Public school teachers, who should serve as a support system, often struggle to provide the necessary guidance students need. Whether it’s writing skills or college entrance preparation, students are still required to complete assignments on topics that are not fully covered in school, such as grammar, spelling, or syntax. For example, students might be tasked with writing an argumentative essay on animal testing, but without external help, how can they be expected to write an effective essay? Those who receive private tutoring, however, thrive because they learn from experts—professors, PhDs, or other professionals. Public education rarely offers this level of instruction. In many cases, essential skills like writing or grammar aren’t thoroughly taught, yet students are still expected to produce high-level essays on topics such as the use of smartphones in class.

Realistically, can teachers provide individual attention to each student in today’s school system? It’s unlikely. Most public school teachers have passed certification exams, but many lack advanced degrees or practical experience. Moreover, as public servants, they benefit from job security and therefore aren’t under the same pressure to excel as private tutors, who must consistently demonstrate results to retain clients. Private educators, many of whom hold PhDs or are former university professors, bring an expertise that public school teachers often cannot match. Additionally, public school teachers are burdened with administrative tasks, meetings, grading, and lesson planning, leaving them little time to focus on individual students. It’s hard to imagine a teacher having the capacity to spend extra time with every student who needs help improving their grades.

High school students often have limited perspectives. Even graduate students and PhDs admit that they once thought they knew everything during their undergraduate years, only to later realize how much they still had to learn. If these highly educated individuals confess to such realizations, how much can we reasonably expect from high school students? Without expert guidance, students relying solely on public education are at a severe disadvantage when competing with those who have access to private tutoring from professionals who have helped others gain admission to top universities.

Today’s high school education system doesn’t seem designed to help weaker students; rather, it appears to be a competitive arena that separates the strong from the weak. Students who fall behind often face limited university options, social stigma, and fewer job opportunities. The grading system itself fosters inequality. For example, only the top 4% of students can earn the highest grade, and if more students qualify, the cutoff is adjusted to maintain the rank. This ensures that not all students can achieve top scores, regardless of their performance.

College entrance exams, such as the CSAT, are similarly rife with unfairness. In regular admissions, even a single point can determine whether a student is accepted or rejected. Despite the importance of these exams, schools offer minimal support, often beginning preparation only in the third year of high school. This leaves students to study from limited materials, such as EBS CSAT textbooks, which cover only a fraction of what is tested. Without private tutoring, students relying solely on school lessons face an uphill battle. The system seems structured to create frustration and disappointment for students.

The pressure to outperform others and gain admission to prestigious universities, combined with family expectations, places an enormous burden on students. Many struggle to cope, leading to disengagement and frustration. Yet, their school records still need to depict them as cooperative and well-adjusted. Without private tutoring, is it realistic to expect a student to excel academically, maintain good relationships, and secure a spot at a top university? I don’t think so. Surrounded by dissatisfaction, it’s difficult to imagine these students finding happiness or academic success. For those unable to attend top-tier universities, are they doomed to fail?

This situation reminds me of the psychological concept of learned helplessness, where individuals who are exposed to inescapable situations eventually stop trying to escape, even when it’s possible. High school students relying solely on public education often work hard, only to be outpaced by their peers who receive private tutoring. Despite their efforts, they are frequently labeled as “failures,” reinforcing social stigmas and damaging their self-esteem.

Ultimately, gaining admission to a prestigious university without private education has become nearly impossible. Moreover, top universities increasingly emphasize early admissions, which offer little room for recovery once a student's grades drop. This leaves many students locked out of elite institutions unless they receive outside help from the start.

Wealthier students, or those destined for prestigious universities, often begin receiving private tutoring as early as elementary school. By the time they graduate, they’ve mastered essential study techniques and consistently earned top grades throughout their academic career. Even if they don’t perform well on their college entrance exams, they still have options through early admissions or gap years, which allow them to eventually gain admission to medical or law schools.

Less privileged students, however, face far less support. Despite their parents’ aspirations for them to attend top universities, many families cannot afford the necessary resources. These students are left to navigate the system on their own, which is a daunting task even for older, more experienced students. Competing against those with private tutoring and expert guidance becomes a near-impossible challenge.

Despite this systemic unfairness, society continues to view students who don’t attend prestigious universities as failures. Yet we increasingly see examples of individuals who have succeeded outside the traditional academic path. Take, for instance, Faker, a professional League of Legends player who has earned millions without a college degree. This raises the question: does an academic background still matter as much in the face of such inequality? Exceptional skills, talent, and determination can often propel someone to success, even without a prestigious degree. Although some companies still prioritize academic qualifications, practical skills and performance are becoming far more important.

In conclusion, while the education system remains unfair in many respects, there are emerging alternatives that provide hope. YouTubers and other online educators are sharing effective study methods, offering students better tools to navigate this challenging system. However, as suggested by The Selfish Gene, human survival instincts will likely drive less privileged students to find a way forward. For many, following the advice of these new sources may be their only option to succeed.

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